In this Euro-screwball comedy, which plays with multiple genres and narrative styles, Florian Steinbiss tells the story of a Neanderthal man who mysteriously rematerializes in modern day Germany and seeks sanctuary in the garden of Barbara van Schmerling, a 23-year-old student of Environmental Planning. To save and protect this ‘last living evidence of former humanity and naturalness´ from exploitation by a P.T. Barnum wannabe and a power-crazed media savvy anthropologist, Barbara takes him under her wing. Failing to protect him from the corrupting influences of Western Civilization, her altruistic feelings turn romantic, threatening either to compromise her ethics, or lose the only person - or primitive - she ever truly loved. Meanwhile, the Neanderthal man must choose between Barbara, the only person who loves him for what he really is, and the siren call of fame, suitcases of money, and easy access to gummy bears.
Some images resonate and remain with us. We want to see them over and again. The Return of the Neanderthal Man also called Neander-Jin, an award-winning film, has been connecting with people just like that. At its core, connections are a cave man and a self-directed, collegiate young woman of today. The film is mesmerizing, a thoughtful Beauty and the Beast, sci-fi, comedy of manners, political and social satire, that sticks with viewers young and old. Never totally serious, The Return of the Neanderthal Man has a raucous and riotous cast of characters including: precocious female college students, straight forward maintenance workers, patriot chiefs, two questionable professors, crazy doctors, hired guns, anthropologists, tabloid personnel, sensational TV, and the gamut of spoofs on satire, social criticism, silent movies, experimental film, the surreal and the absurd! In truth, viewers have a good time, they laugh, they are entertained, maybe a little bit overwhelmed by the multi level story telling and various genres and styles.
Directed and Produced by
Florian Steinbiss
Written by
Florian Steinbiss & Jeff Hixon
Director of Photography
Chris Hilden bvk
Avgusta Cherneva
Executive Producer
Jeff Hixon
Avgusta Cherneva
Additional Editor
Ronen Pestes
BHP Film Orchestra
Bruce Hanifan
Heiner Reiff
Bodo Brandes
Fried Bauer
Giuseppe Iacono
Jam El Mar
Trailer Music
Ricardo Gidon
Music performed by
BHP Film Orchestra
Stuart Wilson Turner
Pocket Radio
featuring Jon Chardiet & Jeff Hixon
Manuel Struffolino & Band
Sarah Mühlhause
Line Producer
Michaela Doll
Production Manager
Antonia Baedt
Unit Manager
Esther Wise
1st Assistant Director
Avgusta Cherneva
2nd Assistant Director
Bastian Caspar
Maria Gans
Assistant to Florian Steinbiss
Maike Herrmann
Boom Operator
Torsten Lenk
Location Sound
Matthias Richter
Production Assistants
Eva Lauck
Björn Seib
Alina Klöden
Production Bookkeeper
Eva Lauck
Production Accountants
Andreas Krause
Eggesiecker & Partner, Cologne
Kurt Hoppstein
Legal Representation
Dr. Claus Recktenwald
Schmitz Knoth Rechtsanwälte
Production Public Relations
Televisor Troika GmbH, Cologne
Michael P. Aust
Mareike Winter
Assistant to Production Manager
Rebecca Westerschulze
Set Runner
Marco Siegmund
Location Scouting
Björn Seib
Antonia Baedt
Art Director & Production Designer
Leticia Raasch
Additional Set Design
Friedemann Sander
Set Construction
Marko Nedic & Philipp Kruse
Garden Landscaping
Jürgen Biecker
Dialogue Editor
Luiz Melo Paiva e Silva
1st Assistant Camera
Patrick Zepp
2nd Assistant Camera
Patrick Gilgenbach
Script Continuity
Markus Berera
1st Assistant Editor
Patrick Zepp
2nd Assistant Editor
Jennifer Sperling
Visual Effects
Jennifer Sperling
Pre Edit Daylies
Maria Gans
Maike Herrmann
Costume Design
Leticia Raasch
Avgusta Cherneva
Designer for Sarah Mühlhause
Stefanie Franzius
Neander-Jin Costume Provided by
Neanderthal Museum
Shamans Costume Provided by
Willi Schaefer Erkrath
Set Dresser
Alina Klöden
Special Effects Make Up Artist and Hair Stylist
Félicité Ruiz Vera
Make Up Assistant
Christian Schrör
Special Effect Make Up Design Neander-Jin
Tom Devlin
Hairstylist of Florian Steinbiss and Jeff Hixon
Fernandes, Cologne
Still Photography and Additional Videography
Charles Hixon
SFX on set
Sven Kühn
Animal Trainer
Aurelia Hornung
Claudia Neumann
Rucolino Dog and Chickens
Ingeborg's Animals
Antique Mercedes
Willi Schaefer Erkrath
Action Concept GmbH
Helicopter Pilot
Marcus Steffen
Traffic Control
Cine Block GmbH
Historic Consultant
Dr. Baerbel Auffermann
Visual Production Consultant
Dr. Michael Neubauer
Produced in Association with
Post Production Facilities provided by
Point. 360 WEST, Los Angeles
General Manager & Executive in Charge of Post Production
Jeff Hixon
Re-recording Mixer
Mitchell Lindskoog
Sound Design
Luiz Melo Paiva e Silva
Sound Editor
Erik Brena
ADR Recordist
Christian Zerpa
Assistant Sound Editor
Breanna Wood
Finishing Editorial Supervision
Ronen Pestes
Online Editor
William Lehr
Color Timer
Ronen Pestes
Color Consultant
Chris Hilden
Post Production Co-ordinator
Alice Stanton
VFX by EdenFX at Point.360 WEST, Los Angeles
Supervising Director of Visual Effects
Jason Hearne
Visual Effects Artist
Jeff Kaplan
Festival Report
The Return of the Neanderthal Man became a festival hit in the USA.
The Film won thirteen awards and was also officially selected by more than fifteen other festivals.
After the first award "The Best of Show" from the Indie Fest in La Jolla and a second award "Emerging Narrative Feature Filmmaker" at the Geneva Film Festival, the third award in the category "Feature Comedy" came from the Indie Gathering in Ohio.
The Return of the Neanderthal Man success story on the American Film Festival circuit was just beginning. Jon Chardiet and Rick Zieff accepted on behalf of Florian Steinbiss Award No. 4 for "Best Feature Film" in Las Vegas at the Vegas Cine Fest.
Award No. 5 makes Van Morrison fans Florian Steinbiss and Jeff Hixon happy. At the 12th prestigious Moondance International Film Festival in Boulder, Colorado they received a "Starfish" for Comedy in the category Feature Film.
Award No. 6 came from the JamFest Indie Film Festival in Hammond, Louisiana.
Award No. 7 was a special pleasure for the honourable. "Best Direction in a Feature Film" came from the Buffalo Niagara Film Festival in State of New York.
Award No. 8 came literally from sky, from a virtual Film Festival with cult character. The SkyFest in Asheville, North Carolina awarded a prize within the category feature film to The Return of the Neanderthal Man. You should watch the awards show of Ralph Roberts on the Internet.
We have been there as a tourist and secretly we all want to get there. At the "MockFest" of Hollywood in Los Angeles we got at least an "Honorable Mention", Award No. 9.
Award No. 10 "Official Best of Fest"
Award No. 11 "Honorable Mention", Los Angeles Movie Awards, L.A, California.
Award No. 12 "Excellence Award", Rincón International Film Festival Puerto Rico.
Award No. 13 Narrative Film Competition "Bronze Award", 2012 Oregon Film Awards.
Official Selections
Columbia Gorge International Film Festival
(Angaelica Film Festival) - Central Florida Film Festival
- Rome International Film Festival
- Naperville Independent Film Festival
- Tenerife Film Festival
- Vegas Cine Fest
- Scottsdale International Film Festival
- Boston Science Fiction International FF
- Ischia Film Festival
- Hoboken Film Festival
- Geneva Film Festival
- The Indie Fest
- The Indie Gathering
- Long Island Film Festival
- FiLUMS - Lums International FF
- Dhaka International FF
- Tamil Nadu Internatinal FF
- Pune International FF
Making of Gallery
Sarah Mühlhause and Charles Hixon.
The Little One?
Sarah Mühlhause and Jeff Hixon.
Or the Big One?
There is no business like Stein-Biz
Mathias Richter
Too much noise!
Chris Hilden, Markus Berera and Matthias Richter
Félicité Ruiz Vera and Beate Bohr
Americans and The Beauty
Martin Arnold and The Girls
Hanno Friedrich alias PD Doctor Matthias Silverman and the Matron Esther Wise
"One Germany again".
Otto Klein alias Norbert Alich
On Location in Neanderthal
Ruediger Hofmann and the WDR Team on Set in Neanderthal.
Jon Chardiet and Sarah Mühlhause
with the co-Author and Executive Producer Jeff Hixon.
Is there anything in the bush? What really happened on the Titanic?
Director of Photography Chris Hilden and Rosalind Ayres
We are enlighted, you not!
Has anybody got some glue? Or at least a chewing gum!
Pat Zepp
The Making Of the Making Of.
Mahelia Hannemann.
Light at the end of the tunnel?
Maria Gans
This is not Hamburg!
Torsten Lenk
Before the "Director's Chair" collapsed.
Leticia Raasch, Maria Gans and Avgusta Cherneva
Too many cooks...
The Red Carpet: Mausoleum Studios Cologne
"Low Camera Riders"
Chris Hilden and Pat Zepp
Waiting for the clients: Lisa and Laura Quark, Jon Chardiet,
Milton Welsh in front of "Pascha" in Cologne
In the Madhouse: Rick Zieff, Chris Hilden, Leticia Raasch, Philipp Kruse,
Esther Wise and Alina Klöden
Behind the backs of the twor "Directors"
Patrick Gilgenbach alias Pat Rick
Powdering again under the Sudbrack umbrella!
Jon Chardiet and Christian Schröer
We don't say a word.
Sarah Mühlhause, Florian Steinbiss and Jon Chardiet
The helicopter is not in our contract!
Martin Jarvis, Wolfgang Müller and Chris Hilden
The crew in the Madhouse Paeda
I am a vegetarian!
Beate Bohr with both Patricks
Cinema on the set
Extra Chorus an der Ultimate World Star Set
f.st and a.c
No Escape!